Dr. Ravi Teja Rudraraju

Patellofemoral Joint Problems

Patellofemoral Joint Problems

Patellofemoral joint injuries are prevalent musculoskeletal concerns affecting individuals across all age groups. They stand out as one of the most commonly diagnosed injuries in the realm of sports medicine, stemming from diverse causes such as sports-related activities, overuse, and trauma to the kneecap.

Manifesting as pain underneath the kneecap, these injuries may also exhibit symptoms on the anterior or posterior sides. Dr. Ravi Teja, a distinguished expert in addressing patellofemoral pain, brings forth a range of techniques tailored to patients grappling with this challenging knee condition.

  • Lateral Patellotibial Ligament Reconstruction
  • Trochleoplasty
  • Tibial Tubrical Osteotomy

Are you experiencing anterior knee pain?

There are two ways to initiate a consultation with Dr. Ravi Teja Rudraraju

You can provide current X-rays and/or MRIs for a clinical case review with with Dr. Ravi Teja Rudraraju

You can schedule an office consultation with Dr. Ravi Teja Rudraraju

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